The Euro-size pallet (1200 x 800 mm) remains the industry standard for transport and storage solutions. Its optimal dimensions ensure easy handling and loading efficiency, whether in warehouses or on trucks. At PalletBiz, Euro-size pallets are heat-treated according to IPPC ISPM-15 standards, providing a chemical-free solution for global transport. Their sturdy design and consistent quality make them ideal for heavy loads, offering businesses a durable and sustainable option for long-term use. With over 15 years of repair and lifecycle expertise, PalletBiz ensures that each Euro-size pallet delivers reliability and value in today’s fast-paced logistics environments.
Palet CP1
Termenul ‘palet CP’ se referă la Paletele Chimice, care au fost dezvoltate inițial pentru industria chimică, dar care sunt acum utilizate pe scară largă în numeroase sectoare. Paletele CP sunt disponibile în nouă modele distincte, de la CP1 la CP9. Paleta CP1 este ideală pentru transportul cutiilor, sacilor sau sacilor