Egyedi dobozok

Egyedi dobozaink az összes doboztípus kombinációjából állnak, és az ügyfél specifikációi szerint készülnek. A tárolódobozokba a betétektől kezdve a kisebb eszközökön át a zsanérokig stb. minden felszerelhető. A fából készült speciális dobozok kisebb méretűek, és általában kisebb táblákkal vannak felszerelve a belsejükben a biztonságos tárolás érdekében. Ezek a dobozok nagyszerű csomagolási választásnak bizonyulnak, ha nagyobb mennyiségben kell tárolni kisebb alkatrészeket, pl. csavarokat, szögeket stb.

Related products & solutions

Your Trusted Partner for Packaging Solutions

PalletBiz offers a wide range of high-quality packaging designed to meet the specific needs of various industries. Our products are made with sustainability in mind, ensuring minimal environmental impact while delivering maximum efficiency. 

How our boxes are made

Special boxes from PalletBiz are a combination of all of the box types and are made according to client specifications. The boxes can be mounted with everything from inserts, closing devices, hinges etc.

Wooden Packaging Features & Capabilities 


Soft and hard woods
(spruce, pine etc.), OSB


According to client’s requirement, up to 10 tons


According to client’s requirement


According to client’s requirement


Storage, export, transportation


Can be repaired, recycled


IPPC ISPM-15, Kiln dried & AST wood, certified nails


PalletBiz has more than 20 years of packaging life-cycle service experience

Designed for Repair, Reuse and Recycle

Our wooden packaging  produced with sustainability at the forefront. We use certified materials, promote reuse and repair, and adhere to international standards that protect the environment.

What Our Clients Say

More than just packaging

In addition to providing high-quality wooden packaging, PalletBiz offers consultancy services, including optimizing product and handling spend within the framework of packaging portfolio analysis and management.

Publications on wooden packaging

Contact us about standard or custom wooden packaging

We deliver standard and customized pallets of the highest quality in the market.
