

Considering that PalletBiz operates in an industry that is heavily dependent on the abundance of quality raw materials (particularly wood), as well as on other resources such as energy, fossil resources, and water, we recognize that we must strategically deal with our impact on the environment and the respective social constructs.

Read about our commitment to responsible sourcing, reducing environmental impact, and promoting ethical practices across our value chain.

Media & Documents

Welcome to the PalletBiz Press Kits page!

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Here you’ll find the latest press resources, including our corporate materials, logos, product images, and brand assets. Our press kits are designed to provide media professionals, partners, and stakeholders with accurate and up-to-date information about PalletBiz. Download the resources you need to tell our story, stay informed on our latest innovations, and share insights into our commitment to sustainable packaging and logistics solutions. Explore the materials below to get started.

Important Documents

Branding Guidelines

PalletBiz is continuously developing quality guidelines in order to ensure that our products meet the required criteria and highest standards – regarding both raw materials and the finished goods – may they be of wood or metal.

Inside Sustainability magazine feature

PalletBiz has been featured in the May 2023 issue of Inside Sustainability Magazine – one of the leading industry-wide business-to-business magazines with a focus on environmental issues and practices.

Business focus edition featuring PalletBiz, September 2022

PalletBiz has been chosen three times to feature in the January 2018, August 2020, and Septemper 2022 edition of Business Focus Magazine – a global publication focusing on selected business sectors, while zooming in on a few of the profiles behind the stories.

Business focus edition featuring PalletBiz, January 2020

PalletBiz has been chosen three times to feature in the January 2018, August 2020, and Septemper 2022 edition of Business Focus Magazine – a global publication focusing on selected business sectors, while zooming in on a few of the profiles behind the stories.

Business focus edition featuring PalletBiz, January 2018

PalletBiz has been chosen three times to feature in the January 2018, August 2020, and Septemper 2022 edition of Business Focus Magazine – a global publication focusing on selected business sectors, while zooming in on a few of the profiles behind the stories.

General Infosheet

The new PalletBiz brochure covers several aspects of our company and industry in general, including our history and present activities, our currently available pallet & wooden packaging product line, as well as the provided services.

Metal Infosheet

We updated metal brochure, which introduces our currently available metal packaging product line, while also demonstrating the several advantages of switching to this type of packaging.

Consultancy Infosheet

In this Infosheet we investigate key areas of packaging & handling business operations and how PalletBiz can contribute with our „know-how” approach.

Branding Guidelines

PalletBiz is continuously developing quality guidelines in order to ensure that our products meet the required criteria and highest standards – regarding both raw materials and the finished goods – may they be of wood or metal.

Inside Sustainability magazine

PalletBiz has been featured in the May 2023 issue of Inside Sustainability Magazine – one of the leading industry-wide business-to-business magazines with a focus on environmental issues and practices.


To read the full article click on the picture to the right!

PalletBiz Approved Partners (PAP)

The PalletBiz Franchise Network is developing in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa – and has a constant and growing need for materials and supply of a multitude of services.
PalletBiz Approved Partners (PAP) are independent suppliers that have chosen to work closely with the PalletBiz Network.

Partnering is a central prerogative for the PalletBiz vision and mission– and is essential for our strategy

Standard terms & conditions

PalletBiz has developed the Standard Terms & Conditions regarding the sales and delivery of our products and services.

Code of conduct

PalletBiz is a strong advocate of fair and sustainable business operations, which is mirrored in our Cod of Conduct. The chain of custody of PalletBiz can be recognized and comply with all the requirements for suppliers, harvesters, sawmills, and traders. We furthermore urge all partners to comply with FSC® chain of custody requirements and we are permanently monitoring all suppliers conformity as well

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