Acél gallérok

Az acél gallérok az UIC Gitterboxok alternatív acél csomagolási megoldását jelentik, és minden 1200 x 800 méretű raklapra felszerelhetőek. Ugyanazzal a funkcionalitással rendelkeznek, mint a raklapkonténerek, és kevesebb raktározási helyet foglalnak el. Lehetőség van arra, hogy egy vagy két kupakkal osszák el őket. Ez a fémtermék az Ön paraméterei szerint tervezhető, akár 2000 mm magasságig.

Az acél gallérok rugalmasak és összecsukhatóak, és könnyű kezelhetőséget és tárolást biztosítanak. Emellett fantasztikus költségtakarékos megoldást jelentenek.

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Metal Load Carriers

Designed for Strength, Security, and Sustainability

Your Trusted Partner for Metal Packaging Solutions

PalletBiz offers an extensive range of high-quality, reusable metal load carriers designed for various industrial applications. Our solutions are built with durability and sustainability in mind, offering long-lasting protection and reducing the need for disposable alternatives.


Our metal load carriers

Metal Load Carriers' Features & Capabilities


Steel, aluminium


Ranging from 900 – 6000 kg


As per given standard or as per client specifications


All RAL colours or zinc surfaced


3x stackable & more


Ranging from 96 to 700 pieces – all depending on product type


EPAL, UIC according to DIN 15/155, TÜV


PalletBiz has more than 20 years of packaging life-cycle service experience

Designed for Repair, Reuse and Recycle

Our metal load carriers are produced with sustainability at the forefront. We use certified materials, promote reuse and repair, and adhere to international standards that protect the environment.

What Our Clients Say

More than just packaging

In addition to providing high-quality packaging accessories, PalletBiz offers consultancy services, including optimizing product and handling spend within the framework of packaging portfolio analysis and management.

Publications on wooden pallets

Contact us about standard or custom packaging.

We deliver standard and customized packaging of the highest quality in the market.
