Sustainability and sustainable development have become core concepts that must be applied to all parts of human activity. Businesses are no exception; in fact, they should be frontrunners in advocating sustainable operations, especially since scientific reports show that developing corporate activities and presence sustainably not only benefits the environment but brings economic and social advantages as well.
PalletBiz operates in an industry that largely depends on environmental resources, therefore it is substantially important that we continuously look for ingenious ways to develop our business sustainably while protecting the environment and maintaining biodiversity. Industrial deforestation and agriculture, as well as irresponsible and unsustainable business activities that put economic gains over preserving the environment have resulted in tremendous – and most likely irreversible – degradation of the global ecosystem. One of the most recent (and most public) examples of how uncontrolled human activity is impacting the environment is the raging wildfires in the Amazon, however, with severe forest fires in Central Africa or Siberia this summer, the Amazon is not a standalone case.
As PalletBiz is working through an extensive network throughout EMEA, we must ensure that all our entities source wooden materials from responsible and sustainable sources. Our network does have an interest in suppliers from the Americas as well, however, making sure that our potential partners comply with global and local regulations on forest and environmental protection is our top priority. This pursuit is demonstrated in our Code of Conduct as well, which must be recognized and complied with by all our suppliers. We furthermore urge all our suppliers, harvesters, sawmills and traders to comply with FSC or PEFC or similar certification programs. We will perform evaluation of suppliers accordingly.
Do you have questions on how PalletBiz maintains a sustainable track of business development? Reach out to us at!