PalletBiz proudly presents our Info Sheet with a fresh and brand new design, actualized for 2018/19!
The brochure covers several aspects of our company and industry in general. Firstly, our readers can gain further insight to the history and present activities of PalletBiz, along with how we see our business develop and grow in the coming years within the Packaging & Handling sector. Secondly, we introduce our currently available pallet & wooden packaging product line through commercial and technical specifications, in order for You to easily find the product(s) best suitable for Your packaging needs. Thirdly, we guide You through our services related to Packaging & Handling: our Pallet Life-Cycle Services can help you find the most eco-friendly and cost-effective packaging options, while our Consulting team is ready to work with You on any Packaging & Handling-related question or issue, offering only the most optimal solutions. Finally, You will be provided with all current PalletBiz locations, so that You can easily find and contact our representatives closest to Your business.
You can view and download the Info Sheet by clicking on the link below: