PalletBiz Denmark factory moves to new address

As part of the rapidly growing production activities, PalletBiz Denmark has chosen to move its current location from Gørding to Horne: our new address is Stadionvej 16 (Erhvervspark), Horne, DK-6800.

We will continue to meet our clients’ and partners’ needs regarding pallets and special wooden packaging in a more suitable and capable factory, which is better fitted to the expanding production due to the increasing demand.

According to Steen Rasmussen – one of the directors of PalletBiz Denmark – the move was essential as the former production has been lacking space for quite some time. The new factory premise offers several advantages: the price and the location suited our company needs well, and the structure of the workshops also seemed like a perfect match for our pallet & packaging production.



Mr Steen Rasmussen in the new factory in Horne.
Photo credit: John Randeris, Yvonn Tittel


The local newspapers have also reported on the factory move: a short article was published on the online portal of JydskeVestkysten (you can read the article in Danish here), as well as in the November edition of the Horneposten (you can read the story in Danish here on page 29-31).

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